вторник, 1 декабря 2015 г.


Hello guys i created this blog to report www.hackingforum.ru as SCAM. 

I created account on these fórum to make business with their '' Verified Sellers '' and i will show all the proof that these fucking bastards are big SCAM right now!


This are the page on their fórum where the so called '' Verified Sellers '' are offering their FAKE deals.

After seeing it i decided i would make a deal with these motherfucker called '' Jan Carder '' which is a '' verified seller '' on these forum. This is what his thread looks like on the forum

I decided i would make a deal with him through the '' Escrow Service ''of the forum for $290 Perfect Money to $2000 MoneyGram transfer.

After contacting them through Private Message i got everything set-up and the escrow guy called JokerSYN told me to make payment for the escrow perfect money account and then notify the seller through PM and create my thread in the escrow area. And so i did ! Here is the proof of my successful payment to their Perfect Money account

Here is the proof of my thread that got accepted and the escrow guy confirming my payment.

Here is my open thread for my deal 

As you guys can see in the image
After my topic got approved and the payment confirmed by the escrow guy, then the seller made a post in the topic saying '' 2 MTCN sent to you check and confirm ''.
but immediately after that i lost access to my account i was receiving '' invalid password '' all the time when i tried to log in on my account using my VALID and CORRECT password, so i am 100% sure that some admin changed or deleted my password and email so i couldn't access my account. I didn't even had the time to check if the guy had really sent me any MTCN, but i suppose that not because of what i will show you guys right now.

Then what i did ??? As i was unable to log into my account anymore, then i created new accounts to try to login and communicate this thing to the admins and also to the seller and the escrow guy.
I created the profile '' boydoscassinos2 ''  to do that and also created a thread in the forum with these profile to talk about this '' BUG '' because at first i thought these was only a BUG.
But after creating these thread, some hours after that i see that my thread didn't got accepted because in www.hackingforum.ru  all posts and also ALL THREADS have to be seen and approved by some moderator or admin before they show up on the forum, very TRICKY, don't you think ?
This is because this way they can see if someone is trying to REVEAL THE TRUTH about them in the forum and mess up with their fucking SCAM scheme that's why they verify all posts before accepting them. So what happened is that my post about the bug didn't got accepted. And as they were seeing that i created a new account they not delayed in fucking my new account again. 
Just after some hours i lost access to these account boydoscassinos2 too.
Here is the message i sent to them using my profile boydoscassinos2 to talk about these problem with my original profile boydoscassinos.
I not only tried to create a new thread in the technical support area of the forum to talk about these but also tried to use their password retrieving system but their password retrieving system is not working too it doesn't send any message with the new password or instructions on how to reset it, so i tried also to send email to all their emails listed on the forum and also i tried to use the
'' contact us'' form in their forum too but NOTHING WORKED. As you can see in these image i am showing you.
Very smart of them right ?!
Why nothing is working ? Well of course, because this way they can just change/delete your account password and email and make you lose access to all your accounts any time they want, understand their scam business ??
So after that i gave up and created the profile boydoscassinos3 to make contact with the seller and the escrow guy again. And here is the message i sent them.
So after sending message to them, just some hours after that i lost access to my account boydoscassinos3 too, to same problem '' invalid password '' so some motherfucker changed or deleted my password and email again.
I didn't gave up and created the profile '' billykane '' with different password and tried contacting the seller and the escrow guy again.
Here is the proof of my message sent to the seller to ask him for my MoneyGram MTCN again using my new profile '' billykane '' and informing him that i had just lost access to my profiles boydoscassinos, boydoscassinos2 and boydoscassinos3 using this new one '' billykane '' .
It didn't gone too far and i lost access to this profile '' billykane '' too.
Same problem again '' invalid password''.
Then i created boydoscassinos4 and tried contacting them again, here is the new messages i sent.
And all this time i was noticing that the fucking jancarder, the seller who did the business with me was online all the time and making new posts in the forum on his topic but didn't gave me my fucking MoneyGram MTCN on any of my new profiles regardless of the fact that i was informing these motherfucker about my problem with my profiles, he just ignored all my messages and gave me nothing, no MoneyGram MTCN while being online and creating new posts in the forum !
Is he not really a fucking motherfucker ?!
Here is the new messages i sent them through my new profile boydoscassinos4 here is all of them with their names and the respective names of the person i sent them to.
Now i will show them individually one by one so you guys can see i really sent them all.
Here is message number 1 i sent to the seller with my profile boydoscassinos4

After this message sent to the seller, i sent another to the seller again. Here is next message proof.
After that i sent message to the escrow guy JokerSYN who received my payment of $290 through perfect money for the deal with the fucking seller / scammer '' jancarder ''. Here is the message i sent.

After sending these messages i decided i would make post to my thread / topic of my deal that was still open and waiting for my confirmation of receiving the MoneyGram MTCN successfully to close the deal which i never confirmed because i never received any MoneyGram MTCN from the fucking seller because they kept changing the passwords of all my profiles so i lose access to my accounts. Here is the image of my open thread on escrow area of the forum followed by the post i made that again WAS NOT ACCEPTED by the admins to my open thread on these linkhttp://hackingforum.ru/Thread-Pending-First-BoyDosCassinos-Deal-with-Jan-Carder
And here is the new post i made to my thread that DIDN'T GOT ACCEPTED by the fucking admins. They didn't accepted because they don't want people to discover THE TRUTH ABOUT THEM, the truth that they are just FUCKING SCAMMERS.
Here it is.
Here is the PROOF that after making any new posts to any thread in their forum there is this page that show up telling you that your post needs to be moderated before being approved and be seen in the forum.
And after making these new post i them sent my last private message with this profile boydoscassinos4 to '' ZeroColl '' which is one of the admins of the forum before losing access to my profile again by getting my password changed again by these motherfuckers here is the message.
After sending these message and creating the post to my new thread, i just lost access to my account boydoscassinos4 again to SAME FUCKING PROBLEM '' invalid password ''.
Here is the image proof of the error '' invalid password '' showing up when i try to login in ALL my fucking profiles.
Here it is.
These are the list of ALL my profiles lost and their password, for you guys to try to login into all of them and see that you will receive '' invalid password '' error to all of them.
Login: boydoscassinos
Password: olombmx2008
Login: boydoscassinos2
Password: olombmx2008
Login: boydoscassinos3
Password: olombmx2008
Login: thecobra
Password: olombmx2008
Login: billykane
Password: gu3rr3iro
Login: boydoscassinos4
Password: olombmx2008
Right now 08 / 12 / 2014 i just created boydoscassinos5 and my profile didn't got changed password yet or banned, and i'm using it to send message to the seller to try to finally receive my fucking MoneyGram MTCN. But it's been 5 hours already since i sent the private message to the seller and so far i received no replies. You guys think i will really receive any fucking MoneyGram MTCN ?????
hahahahaha !
Looks like i really lost fucking $300 for these fucking bastards !
So that's it guys, don't deal with these MOTHERFUCKERS because their ENTIRE FORUM IS A SCAM and it's made to rip off peoples money, all their positive feedback you will find on the forum about their verified sellers are FAKE, and all the images showing money, showing tv screens to try to make you believe that their sellers really completed this deals are all FAKE too. You will find around the forum images like these ones i will show now, it's all FAKE, it's made to try to convince more new people who just joined the forum to believe it's real and send them money and get scammed too 
Here is the FAKE images of the FAKE feedbacks.


So that's it guys, don't deal with them, it's ALL A FUCKING SCAM. 
 You have been warned.

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